Content editors love the flexibility of a web-based CMS. Membership management loves knowing their member logins are up-to-date.

The National Association of Elementary School Principals relies on NetForum software to manage its sixteen thousand members. While that software works well for membership management, the association was not as happy with their commercial content management software. It had been years since a redesign, and the associations web staff did not relish the cost or inflexibility of working with the existing CMS.

Because of its flexibility and extensibility, Drupal was a much better fit. And with Drupals open-source price, NAESP stood to save on licensing costs.

They brought el-studio on as a Drupal guardian angel for the project, advising and training staff on the best way to implement Drupal. Our work included —

  • Server configuration for hosting on Amazons AWS cloud services 
  • Integration of NetForum sign on and e-commerce with Drupal content 
  • Panels implementation and training so that NAESP staff can assemble complex layouts on their own 
  • Integration with Facebook like and Twitters retweet 
  • Configuration of organic groups for association committee work 
  • Content migration 

Initial launch went quite quickly, with working iteratively with staff to bring more features online.

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